At CHI St. Vincent, we have a rich history of learning and educational programs.
Learn More about our Academic Opportunities:
Internal Medicine Residency Program
RN Residency Program (RNRP)
School of Radiologic Technology
Student Management:
Students are welcome in our facilities.
Please follow the new guidelines below.
Universities must provide the following education regarding Covid-19 to students prior to them attending clinical at CHI facilities:
- Surveillance and Detection
- Isolation, Quarantine, and Containment
- Standard, Contact, and Airborne Precautions
- Proper Hand Washing, Cough, and Respiratory Etiquette
- Selection and Appropriate Use of Personal Protective Equipment (PPE), infection prevention practices including PPE donning and doffing
Instructors: please complete the Attestation of Covid-19 and email to studentaccess@stvincenthealth.com or fax to 501-552-8684. Hot Springs please send your forms to hsstudentaccess@stvincenthealth.com.