Central Ark. Student Management
Group/Undergraduate Students


The Clinical coordinator at the school must complete a student clinical request form and email it to studentaccess@commonspirit.org 5 weeks prior to the requested dates of clinical. Please indicate on the form whether the student will need EHR access.


Any student clinical request received less than 5 weeks prior to the start date may result in a delay.


For programs that have a cohort of more than six students listed on the student clinical request form CHI St. Vincent will perform an immunization audit. The Clinical Student Manager will email an audit form to the school. The form is expected to be completed and returned to the Clinical Student Manager in 24-48 hours. The date and time will be noted on the email sent to the school. 


***All coordinators are responsible for making sure that their group has all paperwork prior to spreadsheet submission: a clear copy of each student's Care Learning transcript, Exhibit A, Exhibit B, Workplace Violence Prevention attestation and Language Interpreter-Service Animals form are all required at the time of spreadsheet submission***


Files to download and/or fill out online:



We value your feedback. Please complete an online clinical evaluation (Word doc) form. CHI St. Vincent strives to facilitate a comprehensive learning environment. 




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Individual/Graduate Students |  Instructor Information | Affiliation Agreement Information