Central Ark. Student Management
Instructor Information


Clinical faculty for traditional nursing students will be the preceptor for the nursing students and are expected to be present on the unit. Clinical faculty for traditional nursing programs are asked to provide a list of validated skills to the Clinical Student Manager for posting on the unit. Nursing staff can review these skills before clinical.


Students may assist unlicensed nursing staff in basic patient care, under the collaborative direction of the Clinical Faculty and RN.


During the clinical orientation, students may observe diagnostic procedures with the permission of the patient/family first, then the RN, clinical faculty and technician.




Traditional nursing students that require a 1:1 preceptor matched experience are pre-arranged by the Clinical Student Manager. Preceptors are identified by name and are subject to manager/RN approval. The student clinical request form must indicate that a preceptor is desired and emailed to studentaccess@commonspirit.org eight weeks before to the requested clinical start date.




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Instructor Information | Group/Undergraduate Students | Affiliation Agreement Information